
Adding Inches

If you know anyone in medical school, you know what it means to have a short coat. Students have short coats. "Real" doctors have long coats. We have this fun ceremony when we start medical school, and they give us a white coat. We've all busted our tails to get that long-awaited white coat. The doctor garb. It's a pretty exciting time. You almost feel like a doctor. For a second anyway. Then you realize that your short white coat is like having "I don't know anything, and I'm going to get in your way" stamped on your forehead.

Four years later, we got new white coats--with a few inches added to them. These are the real, I'm-legit, long, white, doctor coats. The night before graduation, our class gathered along with our closest friends and family for a cocktail party, dinner, and of course, the coat-gettin'. They called our names one at a time, and we walked to the stage to receive our coats. It was a really fun night. This time I actually didn't feel like a doctor at all. I felt like a huge poser. Like I stole someone else's coat. Am I really a doctor???!!! I'm getting used to it, but sometimes it's still weird.

Katie, you're welcome :)

Reading sweet cards from my mama and mamaw & pap.

Begin the Sandidge-Ashley-Katie photo shoot:

One of my favorite pictures from the evening. So typical.

Let me know if you need a good doctor. I know some folks :)

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