

I have to interrupt the jolliness of this season to complain educate. It's Christmastime. Traffic is a nightmare. Please do your part to keep road rage, accidents, and blood pressures to a minimum. Use your blinker, folks. For the love of Christmas. Use your freakin' blinker.

In most cars, your blinker handle is on the left side of your steering wheel. Push it down to turn left. Push it up before you turn right. It's so easy. You can even use your pinky without taking your left hand off the steering wheel! No excuses. Also, be sure to use your blinker when changing lanes while traveling on the interstate at speeds in excess of 70 miles per hour. The folks in emergency rooms will thank you.

Merry Christmas. Safe travels.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to say to blink before you use the break. Slowing down first and blinking as you turn is stupid. Blink, slow down, turn. I get road rage over blinkers all the time!
